Latest news and informations of events and promotions

  • Documentation


  • / Tuesday, 23 April 2024
  DAP is committed to continuous innovation and excellence in the massage chair and bedroom equipment industries. To be able to accommodate this, DAP began constructing new buildings at the Tangerang factory in early 2023. This enlarged the c... Read More
  • News

  • / Sunday, 21 April 2024
DAP hosted a soft inaugural ceremony and gratitude celebration at the Tangerang Factory on March 21, 2024. The purpose of this celebration was to express gratitude for the completion of the new building.  ... Read More
  • Social Activity


  • / Thursday, 4 April 2024
    DAP consistently supports programs that help the needs of many communities. during March 2024, DAP donated to three different foundations. The first donation is for the volunteer house community located in Lok Bahu Village, Sunga... Read More