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Participating in Educating Children of the Nation through Coaching and Education

Monday, 12 November 2018

Collaboration with Ancop Indonesia Foundation

When we talk about helping others, it does not always have to be about their physical needs. Helping other could also mean assisting those who are physically and mentally healthy but less fortunate, in terms of education. In collaboration with Ancop Indonesia, a foundation that facilitates education and coaching programs for less fortunate adolescents in terms of character building, personality, and skills, Duta Abadi Primantara (DAP) helped in the procurement of sleeping mattresses for this Ancop vocational boarding school. The procurement of 60-unit mattresses and pillows has been sent and received directly by the Ancop Foundation, represented by Ms. Suanning and Mrs. Iin and Bishop of Flores, Mgr. Fransiskus Kopong Kung and Father Ben from the Diocese.

Having the same vision and mission, DAP hopes that through the construction of good Vocational Schools (SMK) and dormitories as a supporting facility, the graduates will be able to finish school and start working independently. Ancop Vocational School is located in Larantuka, East Flores, precisely in Kawalelo Village, Likotuden, fully supported by the Government and Diocese of the East Nusa Tenggara.

Education is very important for children in East Flores, so they can be independent and have the ability to work.